me-made-may: week 3

Me-made-stuff: Valentine’s day skirt

Day 14: I’m a lumberjackjane and I’m okay, I sleep all night and work all day – you know, the usual stuff according to the world of Monty Python. Well, if you count out the cross-dressing since I’m apt to borrow John’s sweater that I made him. Back to the outfit: this is actually a dress layered with my pencil-skirt, and it’s a nice way to get more uses out of dresses and longer shirts! I can’t get over how versatile this skirt is, and how well it pairs with pretty much anything. The plaid dress seems very fall-like to me, and it feels a little drab for the season.

Me-made stuff: Tiny pocket tank (currently missing the tiny pocket part)

Day 15: I met John at his work after we both had put in long days, and he brought me hot chocolate from the vending machine and took my picture in the sunset light (I know, he’s a keeper!). After months of starting, but not completing any for-me sewing projects, I really really needed to sew something quick. I’d been meaning to whip up one of Jen’s Tiny pocket tanks for a long time, and it didn’t disappoint! I added a skinny belt to not totally lose my waist, and also a cardigan that happens to match the bias binding on the inside of the tank (I’ll take picture of the beautifulness soon!). I graciously spared you my footwear today – which was clunky hiking shoes to go with my serious rain gear I donned earlier, since it rained very seriously on my way to work this day.

Me-made stuff: “Traces of Thread” collection coat.

Day 17: Today was Norway’s Independence Day, and you get to see lots of pictures of me in my coat, showing off my mad flag-waiving skills! It was a cold, foggy, and rainy day, so the outside festivities didn’t really happen for us. But we did spend the afternoon dressed up and in the company of good friends, drink, and food, and what more can you ask than that?

Me-made stuff: “Traces of Thread” collection skirt, tiny pocket tank.

Day 18: Oh dear, not the best picture today due to some camera-issues, plus it was quite grey outside! I’ve been eyeing different me-made things in my wardrobe, trying to come up with ways to wear them. This skirt was from my senior thesis collection, and it’s sort of dramatic. I first thought something slim-fitting would be the best combination, but for some reason I like what the crazy-print tank does to the skirt. Then came the necklace to add some color, then the cardigan for warmth, then the belt for waist-definition, and bam! I’m rocking a Frida Kahlo-vibe. I also wore my fancy new running shoes to test them out, but they were too sporty looking for the photo, and I usually don’t wear shoes at work anyways.

Me-made stuff: patterned tiny pocket tank, mustard shorts.

Day 20: The return of the patterned tiny pocket tank! That makes thrice worn in one week, and perhaps I’m just experiencing some new-garment-love (much like I am with the striped dress that’s shown up twice in MMM so far), but I really think it’s also filling a gap in my wardrobe, and that, as well as the crazy print, makes me happy. Also happiness-inducing: first sunny, summer-spring like day this year; seeing dear friends from out of town; and being able to finally use the fully bloomed cherry-blossom tree as a backdrop.

me-made-may: week 1
me-made-may: week 2
me-made-may: week 3
me-made-may: week 4
me-made-may: week 5

~ Zoe’s original sign-up post | facebook page | flickr group ~

15 thoughts on “me-made-may: week 3”

  1. That coat is absolutely a thing of beauty. It’s so nice being able to wear something you put so much time & skill into making! I keep meaning to alter some of my collection pieces to fit me so they don’t just hover in my wardrobe forever…but then I get all stressed about ruining them and leave them for months again haha

    1. Haha, that sounds just like me! Thankfully I haven’t needed to alter that coat, I’d be terrified to get into that, scared of ruining it! But yeah… they languish. I actually just seamripped a hem facing off a school project skirt to get it to a more flattering length for not-model-height-me. Except it’s wool, so I feel like it’s still a little early for that, and I should work on some dresses instead.

      And thank you. I do love that coat. (P.S. Still *really* adore your swimwear collection. It really had a distinct look that I loved)

    1. Well, thank you Kristen! I think challenges like these aren’t limited to just one time of year – I try to remind myself that I can bring the things I learn from sss and mmm into the rest of the year as well. Though it wouldn’t be quite the same of course.

      P.S. You’ve been a busy bee, I like the look of your sweater coming along!

  2. Squeee! Thanks for the Lumberjack song quote! Put a smile on my face in the morning. All of your stuff is beautiful! I just clicked over from MMM, and I have’t seen your blog before… What was your Senior Thesis project? Were you studying fashion?

    1. Oh, I’m so happy you caught on to that – I wasn’t sure if it would make sense to anyone else!

      You can see my senior thesis collection following this link, and there are some pictures over on my portfolio website as well. I graduated with a BFA in Fashion from Columbia College Chicago last spring, and that’s when I completed the senior thesis collection.

      Thank you for your comment, and how fun is your japanese word-MMM! Such a cute idea!

  3. Echoing the previous two comments, that coat is absolutely amazing – so impressive! Love the green cardi too – did you knit it?

    1. Thank you Lauren! Hehe.. no, the green cardigan is a thrifted Zara sweater, of all things. I wish I had knit it – then I could make a bazillion more since I wear it so often!

  4. Holy woah, that coat!!!!! It’s so amazing and you look so super cute in it flag waving! Also love your fabric on the Tiny Pocket and those mustard shorts again! You are making me think I need to make a similar pair.

    1. Thank you! Deep down I’m really patriotic and love my country! ;) I adore the african-like print on my tank, and I have plans for five more of them! Tanks, not african prints, though I have a dress I’m fixing to make it a little more polished, and I love the print in that one too. And yes, mustard shorts! The only downside is that they’re in corduroy, so some day they will look a little raggedy. I scored a single yard remnant of this at an adorable local fabric shop in Portland, Maine, visiting with John, so it holds sentimental value as well.

  5. cherry blossoms and mustard – have you seen inside my brain?!
    thanks so much for the comprehensive response to other comment, it was really helpful, and totally opened my eyes to the fact that you can do that, and control where the colour falls

    1. Hey! No problem – I’ve found it pretty exciting to manipulate yarn in that way. Let me know if you end up doing something similar, I’d love to see! And thank you, I am very proud of that coat! Sometimes I look at it and think “whoa, did I really make that?”!

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